Sunday, October 3, 2010

UFO's at Nuclear Weapons Sites - National Press Club

NPC Press Conference UFOs and Nukes Sept.27. 2010

Robert Salas, Charles Halt, Robert Hastings, Bruce Fenstermacher, Dwynne Arnesson, Patrick McDonough, Gerome Nelson, Robert Jamison give testimony about their UFO encounters while they were on official duty in the US military.

Ex-Military UFO Disclosure on Nuclear Intervention 9/27/2010 part 1 of 7

Ex-Military UFO Disclosure on Nuclear Intervention 9/27/2010 part 2 of 7

Ex-Military UFO Disclosure on Nuclear Intervention 9/27/2010 part 3 of 7

Ex-Military UFO Disclosure on Nuclear Intervention 9/27/2010 part 4 of 7

Ex-Military UFO Disclosure on Nuclear Intervention 9/27/2010 part 5 of 7

Ex-Military UFO Disclosure on Nuclear Intervention 9/27/2010 part 6 of 7

Ex-Military UFO Disclosure on Nuclear Intervention 9/27/2010 part 7 of 7

Former U.S. Air Force personnel claim they experienced UFO activity near nuclear sites at which they worked. Here is the summary of some of the presentations at the National Press Club.

They are said to be able to cross galaxies. But people who believe they are out there, want to know why aliens want to visit Earth. A group of former U.S. servicemen is convinced extraterrestrials are interfering with nuclear weapons, as RT's Cedric Moon explains

Last 10 minutes of the NPC panel of former Air Force officers discussing UFO sightings. Broadcast on CNN Live on the internet. Robert Salas, Charles Halt, Robert Hastings, Bruce Fenstermacher, Dwynne Arnesson, Patrick McDonough, Gerome Nelson, Robert Jamison give testimony about their UFO encounters while they were on official duty in the US military.

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